Amy Margolies, PhD
I am a public health specialist, researcher and technical advisor with over fifteen years of international work experience. My expertise is in program evaluation, agriculture-nutrition linkages and gender. I have a Ph.D. in International Public Health with a specialization in Health Systems from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
My research has been mentioned in The Atlantic, The New York Times, The Economist, The Guardian, Slate, World Economic Forum, Voice of America, and the World Bank Blog.
My research has focused on evaluating development interventions that aim to improve food security and nutrition, such as integrated agriculture-nutrition interventions and social protection programs comparing vouchers, cash and food transfers. I have experience in mixed-methods research, quantitative and qualitative methodologies, randomized control trials (RCTs) and economic evaluations.
Research and evaluation design, instrument and tool development
Programming and data analysis (Stata, NVivo), report and manuscript writing
Communicating results to inform decision-making
Improving program design and implementation and providing policy recommendations
Project & Field Management
Languages: English (Native), Portuguese (Fluent), Spanish (Fluent)
Latin America (Brazil, Guatemala, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico)
Sub-Saharan Africa (Ethiopia, Uganda, Guinea-Bissau, Malawi, Mali)
Asia (Bangladesh, India, East Timor)