
Select Publications

Margolies, A., Pedehomgba, A., Twalibu, A., Nwabuikwu, O., Wun, J., Kemp, C., Gelli, A., and Levin, C. (2025). The costs of a multisectoral nutrition program implemented through a poultry value chain platform in Burkina Faso. Maternal & Child Nutrition, e13791. Available here.


Margolies, A., Colantuoni, E., Morgan, R., Gelli, A., Caulfield, L. (2023). The burdens of participation: A mixed-methods study of the effects of a nutrition-sensitive agriculture program on women’s time use in Malawi. World Development, 163: 106122. Available here.


Thai, G., Margolies, A., Gelli, A., Sultana, N., Choo, E., Kumar, N., Levin, C. (2022). The economic costs of a multisectoral nutrition programme implemented through a credit platform in Bangladesh. Maternal & Child Nutrition, e13441. Available here.


Margolies, A., Kemp, C., Choo, E. et al. (2022). Nutrition-sensitive agriculture programs increase dietary diversity in children under 5 years: A review and meta-analysis. Journal of Global Health; 12: 08001. Available here.


Gelli, A., Kemp, C., Margolies, A., Twalibu, A., Katundu, M., Levin, C. (2021). Economic evaluation of an early childhood development center-based agriculture and nutrition intervention in Malawi. Food Security. Available here.

Margolies, A., Gelli, A., Daryanani, R., Twalibu, A., Levin, C. (2021). When Communities Pull Their Weight: The Economic Costs of an Integrated Agriculture and Nutrition Home-Grown Preschool Meal Intervention in Malawi. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 42(1): 3-22. Available here.

Gelli, A., Kemp, C., Margolies, A., Twalibu, A., Katundu, M., Levin, C. (2021). Economic evaluation of an early childhood development center–based agriculture and nutrition intervention in Malawi. Food Security. Available here.

Gelli, A., Donovan, J., Margolies, A., Aberman, N., Santacroce, M., Chirwa, E., Henson, S., Hawkes, C. (2020). Value Chains to Improve Diets: Diagnostics to Support Intervention Design in Malawi. Global Food Security, 25:100321. Available here.

Gelli, A., Margolies, A, Santacroce, M., et al. (2018). Using a community-based early childhood development center as a platform to promote production and consumption diversity increases children's dietary intake and reduces stunting in Malawi: A cluster randomized trial. Journal of Nutrition, 148(10): 1587-1597. Available here.

Gelli, A., Margolies, A., Santacroce, M., et al. (2017). Improving child nutrition and development through community-based childcare centers in Malawi – The NEEP-IE study: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 8 (284). Available here.

Gelli, A., Aberman, N., Margolies, A., et al. (2017). The impact of lean season food transfers on food security, diets and nutrition status of young children in Malawi. Journal of Nutrition, 147(5): 869-878. Available here.

Kadiyala, S., Morgan, E., Cyriac, S., Margolies, A. et al. (2016). Promoting Maternal, Infant & Young Child Nutrition Behavior Change through the Digital Green Video Extension Approach. PLoSOne, 11(10). Available here

Margolies, A. and Hoddinott, J. (2015). Costing Alternative Transfer Modalities. Journal of Development Effectiveness, 7(1): 1-16. Available here.

Hidrobo, M., Hoddinott, J, Peterman, A., Margolies, A., and Moreira, V. (2014). Cash, Food or Vouchers? Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in Northern Ecuador. Journal of Development Economics, 107:144-156. Available here.

Roopnaraine, T., Correa, N., Margolies, A. (2018). Conditional Cash Transfer Program Implementation and Effects in Peruvian Indigenous Contexts. Cash Transfers in Context: An Anthropological Perspective. Available here.

Margolies, A. and Hoddinott, J. (2014). Mapping the Impacts of Food Aid: Current Knowledge and Future Directions. Food Security. Vol. 4: Food Policy for Food Security. Ed. Mark Rosegrant. Sage Publications: SAGE Library of International Security. Available here.


Gelli, A., Donovan, J., Margolies, A., et al. (2018). The role of food systems and value chains to improve diets in low-income settings: Diagnostics to support intervention design in Malawi. IFPRI Discussion Paper 01732. Available here.

Berhane, G., Hoddinott, J., Kumar, N. and Margolies, A. (2016). The Impact of the Productive Safety Net Program on Schooling, Child Labour, and the Nutritional Status of Children, 3ie Report. Available here.

Hoddinott, J., Gilligan, D., Hidrobo, M., Margolies, A., et al. (2013). Enhancing WFP’s Capacity and Experience to Design, Implement, Monitor and Evaluate Vouchers and Cash Transfer Programs. IFPRI. Available here.

Olney, D., Richter, S., Becker, E, Roopnaraine, T, Margolies, A. et al. (2013). A Process Evaluation of the PROCOMIDA Preventing Malnutrition in Children under 2. FANTA/FHI360/USAID. Available here.